
How to send messages from Bitrix to Telegram 2021

In this article we rassmotrim how can you send soobscheniya iz Bitryks in Telegram itself, his sotrudniki, distributors, without installing prepolnytelnyh attached to his portal, then it is absolutely free. In the internet full video in kotoryh raskazano how can you connect Telegram to Bitrix, for obstension with clients, but not a free concubine for realization and monopolization of the function telegram intra company. Seychas for this est ineligible paid, and inconsolably free with edge functional or test version for kotoryuya all ravno prydetsya pays.

You can sdelate it with help genders or prosmotrev video on YouTube.

How can you use it?

1. Transfer of applications to the supplier

For example, you work with a supplier, kotorom will pleasantly accept soobshcheniya in Telegram. Togda you can do well to set up the retraction of zakazov obrabotannah manager in needy chat Telegram, in kotor come your supplier. In this way, the manager draws up a order without a non-representative statement with the supplier.

soobscheniya from bytrix to telegram for the supplier

2. Informativnye otchoty o sdelki or lydah

You want to correct yourself soobschenie ob uspeshnoy sdelke, or about the design of orders to your managers, or can be sent to the administration of the sozdaniya lyda, and pass the link to him, what could be the eye of the bestro popat iz Telegram in the needy form, for the construction of the application.

otpravka soobscheniya iz bytrix in telegram about the new application

Plenty of polenaic function, not so? Get in the mood!

Setting up the retraction of soobscheniya from bitrix to telegram

1. Sozdanye bot telegram

For the basics, we need to use the bot in telegram, kotoryi and budet vypoltyut otpravka soobscheniya iz bitrix in telegram. For this event in telegram, and enter into the poiske BotFather. With ego, let’s help you and let’s get a bot. Press the “Start” button.

Enter the /newbot command entering botha’s ime, entering the bot login, kotory dolzhen will be cited on the “_bot”, for for sure “test_bot”, press enter. Bot sozdan, we got a token bot, kotory us somehow adventure.

Go along the ssilke to our bot, and press the start button for activating the bot.

2. Sozdayem chat, in kotoryy hotim will send soobshcheniya

For this, press on the window of the notebook in the lion top of the uglu and sozdaem new group.

Next in the eye input of the yim of our bot, and the press “Next”.

Next input for chat, and press the “Create” button.

3. Polukchenye ID chat Telegram

For the connection of the chat ID, we need to go to the address line of the browser, and enter the https://api.telegram.org/bot{token of our bot}/getUpdates and pop out the invite. As a result, you will see tacoe soobschenye:


Far away, we need to send a test sobschenye to the chat.

Go obratno in the browser, and update the page. We dolzhny poluchy vot sooy otvet:

"message":{"message_id":10,"from":{"id":652433836,"is_bot":false,"first_name":"u041fu0430u0432u0435u043b","last_name":"u0424u0435u0434u043eu0442u043eu0432","username":"fedotov1955","language_code":"ru"}, "chat":{"id":-487725311,"title":"u041fu043eu0441u0442u0430u0432u043au0430 u0437u0430u043au0430u0437u043eu0432","type":"group","all_members_are_administrators":true},"date":1605817782,"text":"u0442u0435u0441u0442"}}]}

In this article, we need to find the ID of the chat in kotoryi khotym to correct the soobscheniya. It is written on the post “chat”:”id”{aid needy chat}.

4. Form get invite to retract sobscheniya in our chat

To detract from the bot to our chat, we need to rename the getUpdates method to sendMessage. And formulate a needy zaprosy, kotoryy vyglyadit primerno vot like this:

https://api.telegram.org/bot{token of our bot}/sendMessage?chat_id={our chat ID}&text=here we write our test sobschenye

Popolnyaem zapros, and make a chat. It is not possible to come to our test soobschenye. Esli soobschenye not sent, convert dannye e again.

5. We are astringive of work on the needy herd of lyde or sdelki

Go to our Bitrix tab “Sdelki”. And press the “Robots” button.

Now on the needy herd of sdelki nazhimaem “Configure robots” and add “Svoy robots” -> “WebHook”. And now our formed GET will need to be inserted into the input field.

6. Delaem template for retraction of soobscheniya from bitrix in telegrams

For this nazhimaem for three points, and select the needy razdel, and in nei and needyu rename for the otpravki dannyh o nay in chat telegrams.

With this image, we can convey dannye o lyuboy peremennoy iz available razdelov. We are afraid of the needy format of our template and all the settings. I’m trying to work!


We have set up a robot, kotoryy can send lyubye soobscheniya iz bitrix in telegram. Now delo for your fantasies! Otpravka soobschennye supplier, otchety on sdelki, bystrye ssilki on lydov in CRM, all that you can already realize! And if you have problems, or difficulties with tuning, writing voprosy in comments on this gender.

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